A new nigeria is possible if we play good roles

Chiahanam Nwobodo
2 min readSep 30, 2022

October 1st, 1960 was not the turning point in our history, but the resilience of those national heroes who stood to make the day possible was. What we celebrate today is their devotion and how much they gave to ensure Nigeria's freedom.

The fulfilment of our Independence opened new realities to Nigerians. We discovered how far we can go when national interest is prioritized over individual inclinations.

The value of patriotism in nation-building was well outlined by our heroes' past. They prioritised the emergence of a free Nigeria over individual gratification. They were nationalists who made their lives examples. The full expression of the Nigeria of our dreams depends on how well we can carry this baton of patriotism.

The dream of a Nigeria where every citizen is permitted a fair and equal opportunity to be successful and where survival can be facilitated for all individuals regardless of social status can only be achieved if every Nigerian will make patriotism a personal ideology.

The extent to which a nation can go in terms of economic power and overall development is directly associated with the level of unity existing within that society. A new Nigeria can only occur if we can begin to view each other as compatriots, and not as opportunities for personal and nefarious exploitation.

National activism, driven by how formidable the strength of a nation's unity is, remains a catalyst to encourage the radical and positive transformation of any nation by creating a feeling of national duty and commitment. These principles were viscerally ingrained by great nationalists who stood and resisted foreign rule, and dictatorship.

The creation of a new Nigeria—the Nigeria of our dreams— is a job for every Nigerian. But we must start this job with a genuine love for the country!



Chiahanam Nwobodo

A Researcher. A passionate writer that thinks differently